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Kon & Amir dropping a new OFF TRACKKon & Amir dropping a new OFF TRACK's official..i'm an ON TRACK addict... i listen to these cats' records endlessly, running their tracks on shuffle in my mental record player...songs like James Mason's "sweet power (your embrace)" or the Mighty Ryeders' "evil vibrations" make me switch gears as i start …

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budapest street art..these cats are seriousbudapest street art..these cats are serious

last summer--like every summer in the last 10 years--i went back to visit folks in my beloved hometown, budapest (hungary), and i was blown away by the omnipresence of large murals and graffitis on the city's crumbling walls...people like to experiment by combining old school graffiti styles with fi…

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777 is the magic number (new urban art& fashion event)777 is the magic number (new urban art& fashion event)

oh yeah, Boston is picking up on the urban art scene...though many (rightly) complain that not enough art events are happening in this city, our good friend Mayan Tamang ( is making sure that it isn't the case...he is trying to prove that one can do a lot of great things with a g…

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benefit auction in SF to support civilian war victimsbenefit auction in SF to support civilian war victims

combining art and humanitarian service is an ideal way for me to chanel my creativity into meaningful projects...last month, i donated this painting to this fantastic benefit show in San Francisco called Maverix-SketchCrawl Benefit Auction to Help Civilian War Victims.the exhibition was held at Ma…

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Nicola Conte live on A38Nicola Conte live on A38

Nicola Conte is an Italian DJ/ producer known for introducing an innovative style of acid jazz that blends classic jazz with hot bossa nova grooves, smokey tracks from ‘60s and ‘70s Italian film scores, and world music themes. Conte, originally a classically-trained musician, is mastermind of Fez, a…

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i just made myself even busier...i just made myself even busier...

not that i weren't already involved in way too many parallel projects, to add to the piles of to-do lists, i decided to start a blog...i just realized that i have so many incredibly interesting and talented friends, and i really wanted to know about how they came to discover the way to realize their…

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