So that past week has been an eventful one. Just yesterday we finished moving to our new apartment- its amazing how much time and energy this can eat up but im happy for the change. I finally have my art space set up in a somewhat functional way so now i have little excuse not to work on the painting i have been neglecting for some time now. I hope to finish said painting this week. if all goes well on Friday i will do a blog entry to unveil the finished piece and talk about the creative process with a bunch of "work in progress" pictures.
In the meantime, last night i went through some of my body painting photos and chose 5 pictures i have yet to post that are more "close ups" then full body shots.
I wanted to share them with you:

Apparition of Truth
Apparition of Truth
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Wenseay)

Your Body is Your Temple
Your Body is Your Temple
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Jaybird)

Blissful Hope
Blissful Hope
(Body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
model: Blissful Hope)

Love Thy Self
Love Thy Self
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
Model: Ana)

Rebel Heiress
Rebel Heiress
(body painting and photography by Chelsea Rose
model: Thierra )

...I also wanted to share with you an "out take" photo that i came across last night and knew i had to post:
This is a photo i snapped of my model Blissful Hope as we had finished up with the shoot. She had washed her face and put her clothing on and was struck by how the body painting suddenly looked like fierce tattoo sleeves with her tank top on. so she posed just like that and insisted i get my camera out and snap one. I love it! It just reminds me that granted this body painting/photo project takes a lot of energy to generate but I have so much fun doing these shoots!

I have another pregnant body painting shoot scheduled for this Saturday inside T.Ruth Artspace gallery, so i am excited and looking forward to the weekend.
Thus far this body painting project has been a fascinating adventure. I am thrilled to have gotten to know the women who volunteered to be a part of the project. Their personal strengths and beauty have lent so much amazing energy- its extremely inspiring for me. I'm excited to see what the next step/level to this project might entail.

Id also like to give thanks, praise and many blessings to Tiffany Ruth, the owner of T.Ruth Art space where i have been painting and photographing my models. Tiffany is currently in the hospital due to medical complications. She should be released in a few days but I'm asking for those who can spare some good vibe to send it her way. She is an amazing and dear friend, strong and beautiful independant woman and an amazing asset and Jewel to the artistic community. I give thanks to her for all that she has done for me! I feel truly blessed to have her presence in my life.

Much love to all!
-Chelsea Rose


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