Last summer, my friend and fellow artista, Marthalicia had approached me to be part of her documentary, she called 'The Artist Process.' Her vision was to capture an insightful glimpse into the lives of four unique New York City visual artists. The original concept was to document only the artists' hands, feet and I decided to wear my mask and transform into one of my avatars, AIO. The camera then followed us to the big finale at 5POINTZ,Queens NY, where we joined over 15 artists to paint a huge mural on the famed graffiti museum's wall. That was when I did the "LoveShipVibration Gate" mural (you can check it here).

The Artist Process" tells the story of Danielle Mastrion, Mistah Metro, Marthalicia and myself going about our daily routine, while sharing our thoughts on performing, art, and life. I loved another artist fam, Mistah Metro's feature, whose been on my radar, but didn't have a chance to build with yet. I give thanks to the amazing Marthalicia who has been a beacon of light and inspiration for all of us pushing hard in New York...been a fan & supporter of her since I've known her. Her vision was able to manifest through joining forces with amazing mover-and-shaker, world-traveler, activist, performer Cathleen Angelo aka Felecia Cruz (Fighting for Futures), who was behind the camera and Spills who did the original soundtrack and edited the film. Also shout to the lovely Victoria Holt for the documenting the process with her camera. Thank you!

Looking at the film made me nostalgic about my old place, one of my Brooklyn homes, ROOM was one of the most intense vortexes of my nomadic life and definitely one of the most creative spaces. Alas, my new home is different but equally powerful entryway to the world of imagination.


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