Below are some stellar Obama-inspired artwork from a few of my favorite artists. As someone who has seen her country going through a transition from communism to democracy, and been part of the most exciting and unpredictable times in the country, I am anxious and excited about these upcoming elections. Even my mom in Hungary is involved and is eagerly awaiting the election results . These are intense times we will only grasp the full significance of once historians begin to write text books about it...The U.S. is in bad shape as far as its international reputation and economy are concerned, and the world is watching in anticipation of a new America. I am completely exited about being part of such difficult yet exciting political times once again in my life... Times like these have a mobilizing and a revitalizing effect on art... as many of us artists are keep on saying it, there is a creative rennaissance going on centered in urban hearts--- three of the most vital ones are Brooklyn, L. A, and San Fransisco. I haven't seen so many artists get involved in visual politics as they do these days. Obama is a source of inspiration, like no one has been in long decades. Of course, he is not a magician, and will not turn a bleeding economy into prosperity overnight. [PROGRESS poster above by Scott Hansen]

In attempt to highlight some of my favorites, I decided to curate an online Obama exhibit.

One of my absolute favorites is DAVID CHOE's beautiful piece on the right. Choe did both pieces actually..I was hoping to see his rendering of Obama, so I was very happy to find out that he did not 1 but 2!

Brooklyn-based multitalent, Concep's trademark piece on the left is also beautiful. On the right, DATE FARMERS, the amazing duo of artists and sons of date farmers, have produced a limited-edition set of 300 campaign posters that had sold out already.

Xtrapop's dope piece will pleasure those who love minimalist retro design aesthetics

This is one of the freshest Obama murals, from one of my favorite artist collectives, HVW8

On the left, is one of my two Obama renderings...stay tune for prints...check back here, I'll have them soon! On the right, the dope solar crowned imagery is by Ray Noland.

These two pieces are from Antar Dayal, whose lovely work I just discovered through setting up this online exhibit.

On the left is MUNK ONE's fresh piece, while on the right Sam Flores's much anticipated poster doesn't dissappoint.

We've got TMNK's Basquiat-inspired piece on the left, and Morning Breath' s cool work on the right.

When it comes to posters, you've gotta give respect to OBEY aka Shepard Fairey. Much like the Czech artist-illustrator Alfonse Mucha, Fairey has mastered the science of poster art.

Graffiti artist, Mac's striking piece on left and OBEY's work on right.


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