Faery Sprout WomanThis is my 10th sale on etsy! A very nice and gifted lady from Bronx, NY bought this from my etsy store this morning. It is always such a thrill for me when i make a sale. It re affirms that my dreams/goals are on their way to becoming truth. I cant wait for the day when i can sustain myself and my life style solely on my art work alone!
There are many more paintings up for sale in my etsy store that are done in the same style/series as the one above. Here are a few and they are all priced very affordable:
Purple Maiden
another original painting 4"x12" on sale now for only $46 and that includes shipping
Blue Cacoon
This one is also a 4"x12" original painting from the same series and is selling for $46 including shipping costs.
Purple PixieThis one is also done in the same style/series as the others but since it is a smaller size( 6" x6") its on sale in my etsy store for only $25 including shipping costs

Thank you to everyone that supports artists, locally or worldwide. It is important as a consumer to realize and fully appreciate the authenticity and pride that shines from hand made artisan art and craft. It is also important as a consumer to realize that by buying handmade goods from individual artists instead of mass produced goods from corporations one is effecting major positivity in the world around them. Thank you for supporting the artists of today. Thank you for supporting websites like Etsy that allows forum for local artists worldwide to reach out to the publics of the world.


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