(New York, NY) -- ZAP MAMA is teaming up with CARE to honor mothers around the world. Beginning May 4th, Zap Mama will donate to CARE a percentage of the proceeds from the iTunes download of their song, "Hello To Mama," the first single off their upcoming album ReCreation, due out on Heads Up International, a division of Concord Music Group, on May 26th, 2009.
In the developing world, one woman, every minute of every day, dies giving birth. The proceeds from iTunes download sales of "Hello To Mama", which will help CARE's efforts to reduce persisting high maternal mortality in the world's poorest countries. You can help the cause by purchasing the song HERE. You can also link her on myspace here.
"A percentage of the hard earned money paid for this track will go to CARE with the vision and hope of setting the people of the world free through truth, love, and education," says Zap Mama's Marie Daulne.
For more regarding CARE and its partnership with Zap Mama visit: www.care.org/zapmama.
Zap Mama has added new tour dates including appearances at Lollapalooza and the Essence Festival, as well as kicking the tour off with an intimate residency at Joe's Pub with special surprise guests:
5/27, 28, 29 /2009 Joe's Pub, New York, NY /// 6/17/2009 El Rey, Los Angeles, CA /// 6/18/2009 Bimbo's, San Francisco, CA /// 6/19/2009 Sierra Nevada World Music Festival, Boonville, CA /// 6/20/2009 Doug Fir Lounge, Portland, OR /// 6/21/2009 Triple Door, Seattle, WA /// 7/5/2009 Essence Music Festival, New Orleans, LA /// 6/23/2009 Ann Arbor Summer Festival, Ann Arbor, MI /// 8/7-9/2009 Lollapalooza, Chicago, IL
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