I am doing my best to channel my Solstice/ New Year faery guide, The Master Maker who warns that in this new year creative problem solving is required of me and that I must do whatever I do as well as I can. And then make it even better. The Master Maker reminds me that my very best work is always desirable, and in the present situation, it is necessary for success.
So, over the holiday weekend I enjoyed using the time to work on projects:
this is a 14" x 14" acrylic painting i am working on. May still change the direction of some of the coloring and shapes. We shall see!
Danny was also busy working on a new art project:
He is hand painting a new screen for a new ebru/screen print project.
This screen will print the outline of this design.
So there is your peak into our messy lil art room.
How was your New Years? What tone and intentions have you set forth?
Much love and many blessings always,
-Chelsea Rose
Lucid Optic Lab
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