Had a nice weekend relaxin and working on art projects. I managed to finish my Warrior Woman painting, photos will be posted of that soon.
I also managed to get off my butt and scan some of my most recent pen and ink drawings:
"Graceful Messenger" Original pen and ink drawing by Chelsea Rose
Mermaid pen and ink drawing by Chelsea Rose
Dancing Pixie boy - original pen and ink drawing by Chelsea Rose
.....Perhaps these will be made into paintings one of these days.
Also check out my better half's most recent music release:
Bone and All: Audio Entheogens Vol. 3 - take a listen, let the vibrations transport you.
"Entheogens are a psychoactive substance used for spiritual or shamanic means. Entheogens are mostly derived from plants, but can also been found deep in the vibrations of audio waves.
In Audio Entheogens Volume 3 we have more original tracks produced by Bone and All. Opening with the vibrations of "be" that warps into "Persistence of Time", then we dive back into the rolling vibrations of the piece simply titled "be", followed by a voyage out into the aether realm with the "psychedelic eye", and finally, transcending the self through a track known as "up" that features a few words from Alen Watts."
Much love!
-Chelsea Rose
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