So it happens that my artists friends are putting out some of the hottest work out there these days. Painter, toy-product designer & visionary, MARKA 27 is no exception. He is one of my top 3 toy designers (I own his golden minigod)...these new pieces, 6" Asia mini-Minigod & MG3 Ninja Japan just put his minigods series to yet another level. In addition to these, he is also responsible for creating the platform for the new custom toy, BIC BIDDY, for which he has curated the BUDDY CUSTOM show, a two-city release party/custom group art show. I've been a big fan and supporter of his work (check my feature on him here.), so I'm pretty psyched to have my own custom Buddy in the show I'll be posting a sneak preview of the my lil creature you can guess, it will be something furry & mysterious.

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