Wheres Mars? Audition Tape 1: Aaron from MVMT on Vimeo.
June 25 - July 10, 2009
Curated by: Coup d’etat Arts & Raquel Wilson
Salena Gallery
Brooklyn Campus of Long Island University
1 University Plaza
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Opening Reception
Thursday, June 25, 2009, 6PM
Submission Deadline
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Eligibility This exhibition is open to artists 18 years and older. Artwork must be original, completed within the last 5 years and should fall within the following mediums: sketches, graphic illustrations, stencils, collage, paintings, mixed media or photography. Local, national and international artists are encouraged to submit work. Three artists, located outside the New York tri-state area, will be offered round-trip airline tickets and lodging to attend the exhibit’s opening. Follow the link to www.wheresmars.com to find out more about how to submit, eligibity requirements, etc.
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