Like underground music, independent fashion is where you'll find the most cutting-edge, innovative ideas creative folks have been unleashing unto the world's bottomless appetite for fresh design. Spring is around the corner, bringing less layers and more colors (and more eye-candy..mmm) to our sun-starved bodies weighed down by heavy coats and salt-bleached boots.

Ok, so first, come check out what my homies at ROCKSMITH Tokyo have in store for you. ROCKSMITH is a Japanese street wear label with a NYC swagger, with heavy-hitter partners such as Kilo Goods, The Life Entertainment and my favorite jewelry-label, Complete Technique. I know about these brands through my one and only roommate and lovely friend, Diamond Girl, who is the baddest PR lady in the game representing Rocksmith and Complete Technique. check for the recap photos from the event on my other blog, WRONGLIPS.

And then there is Brooklyn Fashion Week this weekend. Check out one of my favorite new fashion line, missbruno which will represent the more soulful, organic vibe Brooklyn has been the mecca for generations. missbruno's aesthetic offers a lovely alternative to the yawn-inducing uniformity of Williamsburg's hipster outfitter culture.

"missbruno sprung from the marrow of our lineage, making twists and turns jusqu' it morphed into the trans-worlds collection you see today. specifically, we are two sisters: brooklynites by way of Ayiti; designers, by way of musik and film; independent, by way of clothing made directly from our collective hands. our designs thrive on our philosophies on life: wholistic, lush, simple. we make things meant for sustainable living and other unassuming revolutions."


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