I thought I would be able to take a short break from painting after my show on Saturday, but an opportunity to do a collabo with my painter colleague, the amazingly talented and beautiful Fly Lady Di, offered itself in the week before her departure from Brooklyn, of course I couldn't say no. I love her work and was very exited to see what we come up with. She suggested the idea to use the work of Gustav Klimt (see an example of his work on the left) as inspiration...having grown up in Hungary, the work of the Viennese painter who shaped the whole Central European secession and art nouveau movement (Mucha, Gaudi, von Stuck are giants of this style) has been definitely influential, especially because they dared to push the boundaries of sex and the erotic in art. The legacy of art nouveau is everywhere in my hometown, Budapest, from architecture to advertisement and everywhere in between.

Though originally we wanted to do a proper collabo (i.e. we get on each other's canvas), we started working on each other's portrait (promised not to show the result until it's done) and then decided to just go all the way. We worked on our pieces from 9pm to 6am straight (!), and even after spending 7 hrs drawing her face, I wasn't satisfied with the result, so I took mine home and changed her face a lil bit.
I had in mind doing a Fly Lady Di/Mona Lisa in Lichiban/Klimt style...below is the result (before the final version of the face).

In the meanwhile, my camera was stolen/lost so I couldn't take a good picture of the final piece:( Check more pictures from Diana's going-away party where I delivered the piece on her blog...this is the final piece.

Di's rendition of me. I love how she gave an emotional intensity and dynamism to my face with my hair flying. Great job, thank you!!! Feel very lucky to own one of her pieces.


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