I connected with NOOR ONE this past winter. Somehow she found me on myspace and asked me if I'd be down to meet her and do a photoshoot while she was visiting New York City from Paris for the first time. I loved her work, so I was really happy to connect...I'm the same way, when I travel to other countries, I like to connect with locals, and meeting artists elsewhere is a huge part of the fun in travel. Here are some of the highlights of our late night walk around my old neighborhood in Brooklyn. She is most known for her work documenting street artists bombing the city of Paris at night (she is probably the youngest and perhaps the only female in the game there), but her black and white portraits are beautiful as well. The way she uses perspectives and angles in her compositions is just crazy. this one on the left was captured with the new FUJI Instax, a new alternative to polaroid.

check out her blog and myspace


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