photo by London-based photographer duo, Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott.Tonight - KleeerAlso check out the hot re-edit of this track by Sa-Ra here!…
photo by London-based photographer duo, Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott.Tonight - KleeerAlso check out the hot re-edit of this track by Sa-Ra here!…
YUKIMI NAGANO of Little DragonsingerGothenburg, SwedenTRUE SEXY IS… our boy and girlfriendsMiss JACK DAVEY of J'DAVEYsingerNew York, NYTRUE SEXY IS… confidence & 5 inch heels KISSEY ASPLUNDsingerMalmoe / Stockholm/ New York / Sweden - USATRUE SEXY IS…calmnessRUCYL MILLSsinger/producer/tech ge…
I'm pleased to present the first of my Lichiban presents music & art collabo series, the album cover I recently finished for Brooklyn- based songstress/ MC, Nikki NTU's debut release A History of Dreams... Nikki's commitment to make honest music with a spiritual message sets her apart from most othe…
ZAP MAMA RELEASES "HELLO TO MAMA" VIDEO AND ADDS NEW TOUR DATES(New York, NY) -- ZAP MAMA is teaming up with CARE to honor mothers around the world. Beginning May 4th, Zap Mama will donate to CARE a percentage of the proceeds from the iTunes download of their song, "Hello To Mama," the fir…
Many thanks to Chuck of Never Leave Brooklyn for the interview opportunity!!! Coincidentally, this just came out now that I am leaving Brooklyn (well, not for long though)... NeverLeaveBrooklyn.com is my favorite blog when it comes to finding out what's good in King's County, so I'm pretty psyched a…
So i have finally finished my cat goddess painting that i had dug up from a pile of unfinished paintings a few weeks back. I did alot of revamping on it...and just last night I varnished it and took pictures, so here you go:(Please click to full view)Title: Bast, Keeper of the Meadow14" x 14" Origin…
I just came upon this free remix of one of my favorite FLYING LOTUS tracks... completely brilliant, not the easiest tracks to remix, since the original is so perfect, but it works. And the track reminded me of yet another photo by mi-zo..the sound and the image make a convincing fantasy world.. If t…
I just found this fantastic mix called KidVector presents : Infinity City a guest mix recorded for the good people at Eat Concrete. A mix is in many ways an unspoken tribute to Dilla and his musical legacy featuring some heavy-hitters, such as Flying Lotus, Prefuse 73, The Anti-pop Consortium, Space…
This past weekend was full of surprises and opportunity. I am feeling quite contented now, sitting in the office sipping on some chai, dreamily staring out the window and reminiscing.This weekend Danny and I shared a booth with our friend Shauna, creator of Mama's Herbal soaps( www.MamasHerbalSoaps.…
Kenny of Freshselects & I are both old fans of musical multi-talent DOLPHIN, who has finally decided to surface from his several-year-long underwater exploration of sound that produced over 50 albums worth of unreleased music. So this year Kenny was the first to make the move and send people to Dol…
Come check out this week's C'EST NOIR party's ladies' night edition appropriately called KITTY KAT CLUB I'm co-hosting. C'EST NOIR has quickly grown into one of the hottest new parties of the city brought to you by my good peeps who are also part of the A.L.I.E.N. crew. Though most people probably …
A little over a month ago, I participated in the PSA shoot for Voices of New York (VONY) a wonderful and much-needed educational project of my good friend Suzanna (aka Suzanna Ali (read an interview with her about VONY on Coup d'Etat BK). I've been a huge supporter of her project, and she's chosen m…
While many major magazines are in the process of folding, Boys and Clothes, New York's hot new lifestyle magazine is ready to prove that there is a way to make it. I'm very excited to see my friends Nikki Ntu and Raye 6 featured along with my full page add in the printed issue which is scheduled to…
still mi-zo (pt. 4)...one day, my characters will come to life through the lens of these guys.…
Mighty Tanaka presents:TRUEthe photography of Mike SchreiberOne of my favorite photographers and friend, Mike Schreiber is having an opening for his solo exhibit this Saturday at the Dapper Dan's Imperial Gallery. I've been a fan of Mike's work for a while, so I'm eager to see what he's got up there…
So, its a bright and beautiful Friday morning! The weekend's weather forecast for Portland Oregon is sun filled with highs of 80+. That will be a nice change but I hope I don't end up roasting in my lil apartment trying to finish this painting I finally resumed work on:....it had been sitting collec…
Giant Step presents: AFRIKA BAMBAATAA at the Hudson next Monday 5/18. FREE with RSVP here!…
If you are in Boston, check out the city's biggest annual underground art event on this upcoming Saturday, May 16th, bw 6-11pm. I'm excited to see my homies' new work from the bean and do a live art collabo with my fellow painter-in-crime, Concep (we are scheduled to go on at 8:30pm). The line-up is…
ROOFTOP LEGENDS 2009Opening Reception, Saturday May 16 3-7pm on the New Design High School Rooftop350 Grand StreetDj set by HOT 97's Dj Enuff of the Heavy HittersI had a chance to work on a new mural on rooftop of LES' progressive New Design High School and be part of one of the illest collection of…
Hello there loverly folks!Its been awhile since my last post and so I have lots to share.I am still in awe over my trip to the WolfCreek Sanctuary. A few hours before we left i made my way down to the creek and found the most magical spot. It was a little ways past the community kitchen and down a f…
Man, I'm really feeling this new track of Fresh Daily of the AOK Collective called Apollo 13, referencing NASA's third (unsuccessful) mission to the moon. This cosmic hip-hop sound is one of the freshest I've heard coming out of Brooklyn.The song appears on Daily's upcoming EP/mixtape, Tomorrow is T…