And I am slowly unfurling my new body art series centered on honoring and manifesting the "Earth Goddess."
Here are two more shots from the first body paint/photoshoot of the series:
Odaemin the Strawberry Woman
(body art and photography by Chelsea Rose)
Odaemin the Strawberry Woman
(body art and photography by Chelsea Rose)
...Very excited to share more with you from this shoot. Photographing my Goddesses in the woods is a fascinating experience because mother nature is constantly adding her artistic twist in each photo. I love the way she played with light in both of these captures. In the first she’s creating a enchanting waterfall of light that kisses my model's profile. In the second i love how mother nature lit up the third eye so dramatically. Cant wait to get outside for another body art shoot and do some more collaborating with the forces that be!
In other news, we rocked a booth for Last Thursday Artwalk on Alberta st. The first one that wasn’t rained out all year!
(photo by danny )
And this coming weekend we will be selling art in our booth at the yearly Mississippi street fair. Come say hi if you can!
However this past weekend was an amazingly beautiful experience. I went to the Rainbow Gathering in Washington. It was massive, and the quality of human interaction was profound. I made and met some wonderful friends and soul kin, and did a fair amount of body painting too!
Here are some photos:
(photo by danny )
Here I am deep in the forest of Washington within the Rainbow. non stop smiles.
wearing my moms old jacket, which she wore to her first rainbow gathering back in 1982.
(photo by danny )
Not sure how it happened but the universe gifted me an amazingly random meeting of a long time artist friend from online. And now we are brother and sister of the rainbow!!
(photo and words by danny )
"an eclectic group of people filled the forest of southern Washington by the thousands this July to celebrate the idea of peace and brotherhood. We ventured for about 2 hours to get there, which is nothing compared to those who drove in from all over the country. Every state had people there to represent their land. Our tent was set in the forest next to the base of some massive trees and right next to the African drum tent which held the rhythms till sunrise. We had tons of fun drumming, wandering, and making friends. "
(photo and words by danny )
"Sun rise on the large meadow at the gathering.
As the sun hit the field and warmed the earth a swirling steam rose up out of the ground, undulated over the clearing and gently woke the rainbow folk to a refreshing new day."
(photo and words by danny )
"an eclectic group of people filled the forest of southern Washington by the thousands this July to celebrate the idea of peace and brotherhood."
....I really wish we could have stayed longer and made a true home of the gathering. But alas, work called us home early. I hope to gather for the next Rainbow, where ever it might land...and make a few weeks trip out of it. Yes yes!
Feeling refreshed and charged with love and light!
Looking forward to the future.
My "Goddess In All Of Us" series will be on display inside at In Other Words Feminist book store for the month of July. And here is a perfect reason to come check it out :
-Chelsea Rose
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