And i got a bit more work done on my current painting:
I added a very roughly painted ruined city consumed by flames in the background. I am going to play around with it more and see what i can do to help enhance it. I had really liked the background how it was before adding the city in, so had been going back and forth with myself on whether or not i wanted to stick to my plan and paint Babylon burning. I think i am liking it. Perhaps its helped push my intended meaning with the piece. The painting will most likely be titled " The Prophetess of healing." Its about the cycles and balance of life. The ebb and flow of death and renewal. Also expressing that there is pain/trauma in healing and yet the potential of transformation is exhilarating.
In other news, we have put all of our Tie Dye on SALE!
All our shirts and skirts are just $10 each.
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Here are some of the on SALE Tie Dye items that I feel compelled to share with you. For today focusing on our bright yellows, oranges and greens since its a wonderfully lovely sunny summer day:
SALE Solus Vibrations tiedye blouse- $10 For details, more photos or to purchase click here.
SALE Autumn Forest Dancer tie dye skirt in orange and yellow-$10 For details, more photos or to purchase click here.
SALE Leaf Lite green and yellow tie dye shirt-$10 For details, more photos or to purchase click here.
There are 11 more Tie Dye items on sale in our etsy shop so click here to check them all out. Dont forget your coupon code for free shipping!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Much love and light,
-Chelsea Rose
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